How do I change the font type of Verbum for Microsoft Teams?

You have the option to select from Archivo, Jost, Arimo, or Comic Neue Bold font types based on your specific readability requirements.

For accessibility purposes, we have included selectable font types:
Archivo, Jost, Arimo, Comic Neue Bold:
  1. Click on the Settings Menu of the Verbum app panel.
  2. Go to "Font" and make your choice.
These fonts will be changed in the chat, transcript, captions, and captions pop-up window within the Verbum Side Panel app. This means that any text displayed in these areas will be in the selected font type for improved readability and accessibility.

It's important to note that this font selection is specific to the Verbum app and will not affect any font choices you have set in the Microsoft Teams interface. This customization allows users to personalize their experience within the Verbum app without impacting their overall Microsoft Teams settings.